
Welcome! This blog will chronicle my efforts to document, through my artwork, the landscape and the buildings around me. I hope to learn about the history of the beautiful place in which I live and to share that with others through sketching, painting, and writing.

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Sunday, December 18, 2011

Images: Valley Springs and Hogan Lake

One of the great benefits of living in this area is the sheer amount of space that a single person is afforded. You just don't get this sense of unrestricted freedom in an urban area. Your eye can literally wander as far as it can see, out to a field, and beyond to the Sierras. Just amazing. The above shot is just outside of Valley Springs, early in the morning, maybe around 7AM. At this time of year there seems to be a lot of particulate matter in the air which I guess isn't super for the environment but it sure makes for some dramatic sunrises. In addition to the natural beauty of this view, I love the simplicity created by the crisscrossing hills leading out to the mountains.
The other benefit to living here is the proximity to Hogan Lake. In deciding to move here, one of the things that attracted us to the area was the rolling foothills and oak trees. And although I admired the environment, I didn't come to fully appreciate things until about a year later. I missed my old park with its established walking trails and well tended rose garden. I also missed the more moderate temperatures which allowed me really to be outside year round. Although Hogan is just up the road from where I live, it took me some time to go there on a regular basis for a walk. It is hot during the summer, busy with boaters, and can be noisy on the weekends. During the winter, it can be gray and bone chillingly cold. Now for the good news: we are having splendidly mild pre-winter weather and now is the perfect time to get outside. After a couple of outings on the footpath, I have begun to notice more fully the beauty of this landscape. True, most everything you see is a weed of some sort but honestly, who cares when the colors are so vibrant and varied? The above shot is of one of the walking trails. Look at the color of those oaks.

The above shot is looking out to the lake and far mountains. Gorgeous.

The final shot is of my return trip back to the car. If you look closely you can see that someone left their footprints in the gravel. And that is just it: you have to look closely around here for the things that are beautiful and available for everyone to see.


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