
Welcome! This blog will chronicle my efforts to document, through my artwork, the landscape and the buildings around me. I hope to learn about the history of the beautiful place in which I live and to share that with others through sketching, painting, and writing.

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Friday, December 2, 2011

Train Trestle

Train Trestle
9" x 12" acrylic on 3/4" profile canvas

This train trestle is on highway 49 (I believe) outside of San Andreas. I am running errands today so I will verify that! In any case, the cement support was built by the Calaveras Cement Co in 1936. The Calaveras Cement Co was instrumental in supplying the cement for such projects as the Pardee Dam Reservoir here in Valley Springs. They are now the Lehigh Southwest Cement Co and do projects all over the state of CA. The railroad came to San Andreas at one point so that cement could be delivered to various spots in the county and elsewhere. Lehigh has a short timeline of history on their page here. It was interesting to see how the company has evolved over the years. I also wrote about the cement co in my previous post so check that out also.

I was attracted to this overpass because I could see that it was erected in 1936. I do like old structures and in particular, this one is sort of nestled in among the trees and foliage. I have seen it now during the entire year and I admit that the Fall is my favorite time so far. You can't beat the colors around here but you really have to look. For this particular piece, I did work from my field notes for similar paintings and I also used a photo taken earlier in the Fall. While we do have a lot of trees that change color in an overt way, it is the oak trees that really catch my attention. You have to really be looking to see that they change form a blue/gray/green to a more brown/red/gold color. There is a high point for it also which I think peaked in about September, fairly early on. Good thing too that I did this painting now because the wind swooped in and blew away much of the existing foliage.

As always, let me know if you have a comment.

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