
Welcome! This blog will chronicle my efforts to document, through my artwork, the landscape and the buildings around me. I hope to learn about the history of the beautiful place in which I live and to share that with others through sketching, painting, and writing.

Buy my artwork! I maintain a website where all of my affordable artwork can be viewed and purchased easily. The site is here: Libby Fife Fine Art

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I also maintain a studio blog which is looser in format. Check me out there to see what else I am doing:

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

First Poppies-Lake Hogan

Last year we took a little tour of the Lake Hogan area to look at wildflowers and other native/non native plants. This photo taken just a couple of days ago is of the first group of poppies that I have seen so far in our area. They are probably popping up in other spots but this particular route, on the way to the lake, is one that I take most often. I am looking forward to the purple lupine and other little flowers that come up every Spring. We have some on our hillsides too that should be sprouting soon, especially now that we have had some rain.

Springtime is so lovely here-just green, green, green! And don't forget Daffodil Hill. Though it isn't in our county, it supposedly is not to be missed. I will settle though for the beautiful daffodils and other flowers at Ironstone Vineyards in our very own county:)


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