
Welcome! This blog will chronicle my efforts to document, through my artwork, the landscape and the buildings around me. I hope to learn about the history of the beautiful place in which I live and to share that with others through sketching, painting, and writing.

Buy my artwork! I maintain a website where all of my affordable artwork can be viewed and purchased easily. The site is here: Libby Fife Fine Art

Please feel free to leave a comment or to email me.

I also maintain a studio blog which is looser in format. Check me out there to see what else I am doing:

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Take a Seat

Take a Seat
9" x 12" acrylic on 3/4" wrapped canvas
$75 + $10 USPS
In our area, we are lucky to be surrounded by living history. I say "living" because as long as people continue to ask, to want to learn, the history of the place will go on. This painting was done a month or so ago and I just now learned about the provenance of the building through simply asking the owner. She informed me that it used to be the business office for the local lumber mill. I am that much happier for knowing this and for choosing to paint this particular building. You just never know.

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