
Welcome! This blog will chronicle my efforts to document, through my artwork, the landscape and the buildings around me. I hope to learn about the history of the beautiful place in which I live and to share that with others through sketching, painting, and writing.

Buy my artwork! I maintain a website where all of my affordable artwork can be viewed and purchased easily. The site is here: Libby Fife Fine Art

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I also maintain a studio blog which is looser in format. Check me out there to see what else I am doing:

Sunday, May 13, 2012

This past Friday I was out and about in Angels Camp and Murphys. Trying to find great ideas for painting isn't difficult, especially at this time of year. The weather is gorgeous. 

Angels Camp is home to the Calaveras County Fair and every year, the town strings old fashioned clothing onto a line right down the middle of main street. The hanging of the laundry lets everyone know that the fair is coming. 

I was also in Murphys that day. I had remembered the below coffee shop and knew that the building was of interest to me. It looks like an old gas station or maybe a drive through of some sort. I didn't get a chance to go in though to inquire about its history. Next trip!

I also visited the small store of Moon Alley Candles. The candles are beautiful and reflect a Craftsman's style aesthetic. I love everything from the Arts and Crafts Movement (think William Morris) and these candles really captured some of those designs.  

Lastly, I visited Sustenance Books, an independent book store. I wish we had more shops like this one. They do have a Facebook page which is what the above link is for but really, a visit is the ticket!

In my mind, there are so many things to see here that I don't know why people aren't cramming the highway to visit. Hopefully some of the photos I took will turn into ideas and then eventually paintings. These little "out and about" trips as I call them are really sources of inspiration.


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