
Welcome! This blog will chronicle my efforts to document, through my artwork, the landscape and the buildings around me. I hope to learn about the history of the beautiful place in which I live and to share that with others through sketching, painting, and writing.

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Thursday, May 3, 2012

Coming Home
11" x 14" Acrylic on wrapped canvas
$85 + $15 USPS and CA Tax
Learning to get around in our county, as "small" as it is, has been a challenge for me. For starters, Highway 12 turns into Highway 49 outside of San Andreas. It is still the same highway mind you but it gets a different designation. The next question is, am I going East or West, North or South? When I go to Murphys, am I coming down from Valley Springs or up from Valley Springs? And wait, I live in a subdivision of Valley Springs??? How can a town so small have a subdivision? 

In any case, learning each little part of each town and where everything is has been fun. You can't beat the scenery and two years later, it is only starting to seem familiar to me. It sure doesn't get old. One of the first landmarks that I began to notice on my way home from Jackson or any point to the East, was this water tower at the intersection of Highways 12 and 26. Now, once I see the tower, I know that I am almost home. I have waited some time to make this particular painting, believing that there really wasn't a good view or story about this tower. But there is a good story; and I think I am not the only one who must know it. Surely other people on their way home must see this tower and know that they are close to their goal. It really is a "rural beacon" for those of us coming home.


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