
Welcome! This blog will chronicle my efforts to document, through my artwork, the landscape and the buildings around me. I hope to learn about the history of the beautiful place in which I live and to share that with others through sketching, painting, and writing.

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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Blunder Inn
9" x 12" Acrylic on wrapped canvas
available: $75 + $10 USPS
email: libbyfife@ymail.com
Call me sentimental, but I really have a soft spot for these old bars and motels. The Blunder Inn, (someone has a super sense of humor), is situated in Mountain Ranch. I was told that it has been many things at one point or another and there was a time when it was a rough kind of place. Now, it looks smoke free and rather congenial. Drinking and pool playing are the activities now and I would imagine that a good bit of socializing goes on as well. Mountain Ranch is a small town and unless you are headed there specifically, people don't just pass through. They have a great market called Senders which not only offers good looking produce and meat but a wonderfully stocked ACE Hardware. To me, it doesn't get much better. There are even sheep there! (Not at the market obviously but in the surrounding greenbelts.) The whole town is rather untouched and charming, (the Inn included), if you don't count the cable and internet connections:)


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